Course 7: Experiences

Up until now, we’ve been talking about the internals of our application. However, what about the application that our customers are seeing? Most Losant users are building some application that their customers will consume or they will consume it internally. This is why we have Experiences. Let’s dive in!

Chapter 1: Behind Experiences

Course 7 breaks down Experiences in Losant, which is the external application that your customers will see. Learn to create custom, branded interfaces for your team, your customers, or anyone else using your platform.

Chapter 2: Example Walkthrough

The best way to learn about Experiences is to build one. Before we can start building, we need to set the stage. In this video, we discuss the background of the application we will build throughout this course.

Chapter 3: Devices, Users and Groups

In this video, we start to build our “Kanarra” application; specifically, we set up all the devices, Experience Users, and Experience Groups. Let’s dive in.

You may find the resources for this video on GitHub.

Chapter 4: Experience Endpoints

Understanding Experience Endpoints is key to understanding Losant Experiences. Endpoints are the entry points to your application for your users. At its core, an Experience Endpoint is an HTTP endpoint that, when invoked, can start a workflow. In this video, you discover the what, why, and how behind Experience Endpoints.

Chapter 5: Experience Views

In this video, we talk about Experience Views and Pages. Experience Views are the custom web interfaces for your application. Using Experience Views, you can make your Losant Experience look and feel exactly how you want it. Let’s dive in!

Chapter 6: Losant CLI

Most of the people who are going to be interfacing with Experiences are familiar with a different set of development tools. These users typically use the Losant CLI to speed up the development of their Experiences. Let’s dive in.

Chapter 7: Experience Domains and Versioning

How do you version your Experience to preserve history? How do you create staging and production environments in Experiences? In this video, we dive into the answers to these questions.

Chapter 8: Connected Product Foundation

Starting your application from the Connected Product Foundation (CPF) template is the recommended way to begin developing an experience. The CPF provides many pre-built pages that are found in nearly all IoT applications. It also incorporates many implementation best practices and a standard web architecture that provides a scalable framework in which to develop.

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